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2024 Premier Bet National Chess League Classical

2024 Premier Bet National Chess League Classical

Last update 18.01.2025 15:00:10, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Rank after Round 11

Rk.SNoFEDTeamGroupGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
11Kireka A1110103150,504714114
25Mulago Kings119112841,504763397
33Soroti Chess Club118122542,50466,53454
410SOM Katwe118032436,504592837
56Jinja Knights Chess Club11704214604433734
68Gambit Chess Club117042141,50475,53357
72Kireka Panthers117042140,504683310
87Crestals Chess Club11623203704362936
94Kireka Salty116232036,50451,53043
1014Mango Tech116232036,504283074
1113Mogadishu Chess Club116232036,50415,52972
1225KTLC A11614194003943229
1311Uganda Civil Aviation Authority116141939,504253205
1437Avengers Chess Club116141933,50373,52819
1521Makindye Chess Club115331836,503983014
1618MUBS Chess Club115331835,50406,53005
1717Chess Dynasty116051834,50394,52882
1831Olemwa Sports Club115241738,503963128
1919MUK Team A1152417360432,53007
2030Wampeewo Kings Chess Club1152417350377,52824
2146Castle Knights Chess Club8422173402902284
229Western Express115241733,50429,52719
2326Mulago Knights1152417330383,52761
2423Butikiro Legends115241728,50370,52415
2639Indostar Chess Club115151637,50377,53068
2720Mengo Chess Club115151635,504322839
2828SOM Kawempe115151635,50368,52851
2940Lighthouse Axios11515163003642399
3016Bulemeezi Diatoms11434153804273159
3135SOM Kibuli115061532,50355,52679
3232SOM Differently Abled Chess1143415290372,52319
3357Titans Chess Club115061528,503602391
3422SOM Nateete1150615270428,52160
3512Timeless Chess Club11425143604183053
3615Lighthouse Atoma114251434,504192833
3727MUK Echelons114251432,50401,52656
3841Gombe B10325142903231939
3936The Watchers1042414250308,52132
4043Lighthouse Meraki114161330,503462458
4145KTLC B11416132903572419
4229SOM Kiwawu Chess1141613280360,52294
4338Cruciform Life Chess Club114161327,50299,52139
4444Royal Knights Chess Club103161323,50274,51592
4549Crystal Chess Club11407122103451704
4648Gulu City Chess Club92251129,50256,51901
4742Gombe A1132611230345,51823
4851Wampeewo Queens Chess Club10325112303181884
4924Mbale Chess Knights10325112203221762
5033SOM Children Chess1014510290300,51714
5134Mulago Rooks102441025,502772059
5250Great Thinkers Rising Stars113171023,503391907
5354Great Thinkers Elites1021710190284,51095
5452Stand A11317101703111392
5556KTLC Pawns1013692902891944
5653Dove Chess Academy101187140293642
5755Kampala Junior Academy Pawns9108614,50220,5720

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents and own points)
Tie Break5: Board Tie-Breaks of the whole tournament